Friday, August 14, 2009


I am going to live in Taiwan in 4 days, and because of this, I have been studying Chinese lately. Though I was warned of the difficulties of this extremely hard to learn language, I decided to ignore them. Until now. It has just occurred to me sometime in the last 24 hours that even though I have been studying my but off, in the form of Rosetta Stonefor the last 3 or 4 months, I know only the most random words and phrases. Because I do not have a Chinese keyboard, I will write this in English, so that you can understand just how ridiculous it really is.
Rosetta Stone boasts to its customers that, among other things (and I have the pamphlet right here), "You will understand everyday language". After reading this, I wondered what 'everyday language" really was. Well, apparently these are some phrases that everyone says, everyday:
"The cat is drowning."
"The man is under the car."
"The pants are purple."
"The horse is tired."
"The girl is drowning."
and, finally, "The man is stupid."

1 comment:

  1. I feel for you girl. I've been learning Chinese for 10 years and I only know like 6 words.

    And P.S. Tats, I'm pretty sure I used all of those phrases when went to Taiwan.
